-Lectures by Terry
“How can you laugh at that?”
A Closer Look at the Use of Humor in Nursing
This fun and enlightening talk will focus on the very “different” sense of humor shared by all nurses. Often used as a coping mechanism, this speaker will explain the appropriate uses of our type of humor. Our humor invokes a positive attitude and unites us, no matter what your area or era, of nursing practice. Plan to be thoroughly entertained! (Note: Please empty your bladder fully prior to attending this session).
The Bizarre and the Spectacular:
Unique Cases in Emergency Care.
This lecture will focus on some of the most unique cases that have been seen in the Emergency Department. The speaker—a 30+ years experience ED nurse—will describe unusual types of patient history, mechanism of injury, clinical presentation, and other “contributing factors” that make an interesting case. This talk is very educational as well as entertaining and audience participation is strongly encouraged.
Surviving and Thriving in the Crazy World of Nursing!
Do you sometimes just need to hear about the good things nurses do? Listen to this practical, realistic, and positive talk about the supportive and caring work of nursing. We’ll talk about what makes nurses tick—as well as what can tick us off! We’ll also laugh at some of the crazy and funny things that only nurses know. Sit back, relax, listen, laugh, and restore your pride as a professional nurse!
Emergency Nursing:
The sacred and the profane; all rolled into one!
As emergency nurses, we experience both sacred and profane interactions on a daily basis. On the front lines, we regularly see the best and the worst aspects of our society. This lecture focuses on some of those unforgettable moments and lessons learned in emergency nursing. Plan to be enlightened, reflective, and entertained as this speaker reviews and reminds us why emergency nursing is our chosen profession!
When sometimes, it hurts too much to care:
Dealing with Compassion Fatigue in Nurses
Compassion fatigue is the emotional, physical, social, and spiritual exhaustion that overtakes a person and causes a pervasive decline in their desire, ability, and energy to feel and care for others. Clinical, bedside nurses are especially at risk for developing this type of burnout. This lecture will focus on identifying strategies that will help to prevent and successfully deal with compassion fatigue in nurses.
“I’ve had every disease known to man.”
Dealing with Munchausen’s Disease
Patients with Munchausen’s Disease are seen at every level of the health care system. This lecture will discuss the three types of Munchausen’s and how to identify these patients. Specific information will be given for dealing with them in emergency situations.
Bugs, Bites, Snakes, Stings, and Other Things:
Summertime Emergencies
Nurses are never completely off duty and are often called upon for summer emergencies during a sporting event, at camp, or the pool. This lecture covers the basics regarding anaphylactic shock, stinging insects, spider bites, snakebites, heat-related emergencies, and more. Emphasis is on pre-hospital treatment, as well as care in the Emergency Department.
Preventing a Code Before They Code
Nearly 80% of patients will have definite signs and symptoms long before an impending cardiac arrest. This lecture will focus on those symptoms and nursing actions that you can do to prevent a full cardiac arrest. The purpose and use of a hospital rapid response team will also be covered.
Neuro Assessment for the Non-Neuro Nurse
Does caring for a neuro patient make you a little anxious? Does calling a neurosurgeon make you even more anxious? If so, then this talk is for you. We’ll review some basic neuro A & P, discuss practical neuro nursing assessment tips, and learn what patient changes need to be reported stat. Specific neurological conditions and their treatment will also be covered.
“Baby it’s cold outside!” Dealing with Wintertime Emergencies
Hypothermia, carbon monoxide poisoning, frostbite, and other selected cold weather related emergencies will be discussed with emphasis on clinical recognition and treatment.
Identifying and Managing The Shock Syndromes
Shock can be present in many clinical situations. This lecture will focus on recognition and treatment of hypovolemic, septic, cardiogenic, anaphylactic, and neurogenic shock.
Implementing & Coordinating Rapid Response Teams:
Lessons Learned After Five Years
Rapid response teams are available in most hospitals today. This lecture will focus on what works—and what doesn’t—when these teams are called. The latest recommendations from the IHI will be reviewed along with some great tips for collecting and reporting your rapid response data.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this patient.”
Making Use of Your Nursing Intuition
Although we may not know exactly why, nurses may often “get a bed feeling” in the minutes before a patient “crashes.” This lecture will focus the clinical use of nursing intuition and it’s positive impact on patient care. Specific examples will be used.
Identifying and Managing
Unique Complications in the Critically Ill
We all know some of the more common complications of the critically ill, but do you know the ones that are less common, but equally deadly. We’ll review some of the more unique problems seen in the critically ill with an emphasis on identification and treatment.
ACLS: What works, what doesn’t, & what’s new?
Guidelines regarding the latest ACLS recommendations change every couple of years. Find out what changes are in the works and what current research is revealing about the treatment of sudden cardiac death.
Preventing Complications of Trauma:
Can a staff nurse really have an affect on this?
Many complications can result from trauma, even after the patient has been resuscitated. This lecture will alert the nurse to some of the most common trauma related complications. Trauma care myths and facts will be revealed through the latest evidence based practices.
Legal Aspects of Critical-Care & Emergency Nursing
Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) Exam Review
“Snap, Crackle, & Pop”
Heading Off Orthopedic Complications
Marfan’s, Ashman’s, Torsades: Oh My!
A Review of Unusual Cardiovascular Disorders