-Keynote Presentations by Terry
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“How can you laugh at that?”
A Closer Look at the Use of Humor in Nursing
This fun and enlightening talk will focus on the very “different” sense of humor shared by all nurses. Often used as a coping mechanism, this speaker will explain the appropriate uses of our type of humor. Our humor invokes a positive attitude and unites us, no matter what your area or era, of nursing practice. Plan to be thoroughly entertained! (Note: Please empty your bladder fully prior to attending this session).
The Bizarre and the Spectacular:
Unique Cases in Emergency Care.
This lecture will focus on some of the most unique cases that have been seen in the Emergency Department. The speaker—a 30+ years experience ED nurse—will describe unusual types of patient history, mechanism of injury, clinical presentation, and other “contributing factors” that make an interesting case. This talk is very educational as well as entertaining and audience participation is strongly encouraged.
Surviving and Thriving in the Crazy World of Nursing!
Do you sometimes just need to hear about the good things nurses do? Listen to this practical, realistic, and positive talk about the supportive and caring work of nursing. We’ll talk about what makes nurses tick—as well as what can tick us off! We’ll also laugh at some of the crazy and funny things that only nurses know. Sit back, relax, listen, laugh, and restore your pride as a professional nurse!
Emergency Nursing:
The sacred and the profane; all rolled into one!
As emergency nurses, we experience both sacred and profane interactions on a daily basis. On the front lines, we regularly see the best and the worst aspects of our society. This lecture focuses on some of those unforgettable moments and lessons learned in emergency nursing. Plan to be enlightened, reflective, and entertained as this speaker reviews and reminds us why emergency nursing is our chosen profession!